Filming movies and documentaries

Specifically Wadi Rum and Petra area and are universal points of filmmaking from various nationalities that make them see where the privacy of a suitable option for their films, especially after Petra came in second in the world as the best cinematic destinations in the world. Petra was chosen as a destination cinematic world as filming locations in the Pink City show went wherever the camera like a painting on the screen. While Wadi Rum was filmed movies related to the films embody access to or life in the Moon or Mars, given the nature of its Sahara unique.

This property is enhanced by the presence of Jordan's position in international festivals by being an important part as a place to attend in many movies is not the first time that Jordan is a bright star its positions, Vagaah began in 1962 by film director David Lean in the famous with the participation of Omar Sharif's film " Lawrence of Arabia, "which followed the film director Steven Spielberg's" Indiana Jones and the last Crusade "in 1989 and during these recent years portrayed numerous other films.

The Astdhava through our company a number of Almsurien and directors and a crew of their own cadres to shoot a film and documentary films in Jordan in several different areas such as theaters of Jerash, Petra and Lodi Rum with providing imaging, reception, transport and Manama permits services and also provide them with some equipment based on the request.